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MVP for startups

Build your MVP fast and cheap

Apply lean startup methods to get your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) off the ground. Through our MVP development services, we craft your first product iteration and add crucial know-how to avoid common mistakes, learn and iterate fast.


How we can help


Budget and scope

By investing the right amount of resources into MVP development, you can build the minimum required to validate your hypothesis. Save your funding for later growth stages.


Validation ready

We validate early and always to build a product that customers want to buy and use.


Results speak for themselves

Power your investor pitch with MVP demo & data from the MVP validation.


What’s included in the MVP Development


When it comes to MVP development, a clickable prototype is the most effective method to explain and demo your product. Our team will guide you to create a prototype corresponding to various levels of fidelity, and then help you test them with real users to validate our design approach.

Building prototypes based on wireframes, which allow us to validate the user flow. At a later stage, we create clickable prototypes based on the designs, created over the wireframes. Design prototypes allow us to validate both the flows and the design.

The final product prototype is what’s gets built, but you never stop testing and validating, therefore the input you get from your test users flows directly to the MVP design process.

Validated and ready to build

MVP design and implementation

“The MVP development is an important step to get your product to market. The MVP needs to be small enough, so it can be implemented fast and cheap, but it needs to be good enough, so your users can love it. We know how to find that balance.”

Product Architect, Partner what.

Your roadmap

We guide you through the MVP development process. Depending on where you stand, we hold a workshop or design sprint adapted to your needs and use this input to create a vision for your MVP.

stage 1

Design sprint


You have a problem to solve. Various ideas and designs have been tested to create the first prototype.

stage 2

Validation campaign


The product prototype was tested in multiple iterations by early adopters. You gathered feedback and tested customer demand.

stage 3

Scope workshop


You reduce the scope to the core features to give users the maximum value. A functional concept and a roadmap is created.

stage 4

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

you are here

Developing in sprints and testing the MVP with focus groups and test customers before launching in the market.

stage 5

Go to market strategy

next stage

Building on the previous insights – we develop a strategy to acquire first 5, 50, 500….50’000 customers.

stage 6

Product market fit

next stage

Never ending cycle of continuous learning and collection of insights to develop & improve your product.

about us

Working together

Here are some of our ground rules and values that help us constantly deliver.
New work

Our communication and management is based on remote first approach. That’s why we use modern productivity & communication tools. You’ll be invited to join our systems to benefit from our proven setup.


We are obsessed about productivity and constantly improve how we work, Getting Things Done (GTD) rules are our second nature and our clients enjoy working with focus and clarity.


We are obsessed about productivity and constantly improve how we work, Getting Things Done (GTD) rules are our second nature and our clients enjoy working with focus and clarity.

Our services

Develop your business with what.

Frontend development
Responsive and browser-/ device-compatible web frontend applications with backend integrations.
Community building
Monitoring of the YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram social accounts.
Blockchain solution
Building blockchain projects with distributed apps (dapps) and backend integrations on Ethereum others networks.
UX & UI Design
Designing the user experience of the digital product and website.
Guiding you through the process from defining the scope of the product, while keeping features minimal so it can released quickly.
Lean brand development
Creating corporate brand identity by deciding colours, typography and application following the branding guidelines.
Building clickable prototypes, help testing them with users and start the design approach.
Product validation
Validating your product using a quantitive and qualitive step-by-step process.
Digital project management
Managing digital projects from concept to execution using a SCRUM-based approach.
Digital marketing audit
Assessment of current brand positioning and guidance on future marketing strategies.
Web & analytics reporting
Powerful web and app analytics including Google Analytics, Tag Manager and Data Studio.
CMS website development
Relaunching customised websites that are responsive and aesthetically pleasing.
Page speed optimisation
Faster page loading times to improve overall performance of the website.
Mobile app development
Native app development from product validation to app store launch.
Web development
Scalable and performant web applications that are user-friendly for your customers.
Google Ads
Lean and semi-automated set up and management of paid ads.
LinkedIn ads
Effective lead generation campaigns for businesses on the largest professional network.
Facebook ads
Creative production and performance optimisation to reach prospects on Facebook & Instagram.
Marketing automation
Data-driven and rules based automation concepts and implementation.
Influencer marketing
Content and campaign collaborations with our known or new influencers, both local and international.
SEO & content marketing
Technical and content optimisation for maximum visibility on search engines.


We’re a startup. Can we afford you?

It depends. We are always interested in working on ventures with high growth potential and fearless founders who are ready to hustle. Your product’s potential and your determination are important factors we consider when qualifying opportunities. Your initial budget is secondary.

Send an inquiry to our onboarding quiz or email us at hello@what.digital for more information about our MVP process and our digital agency in Zurich.

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