what. becomes the largest Swiss Shopify agency. Learn more.


what. we did for Filabe

what. led the design and implementation of a go-to market strategy that drove sales to Filabe’s home market in Switzerland. Subsequently, what. collected insights, building a launch program that activated additional markets in Germany and eventually Austria. Thanks to what., Filabé has a proven method to grow their digital presence and sales internationally which has had a tremendous impact on their financial performance.


Who is Filabe?

Filabé is an innovative cosmetic company who rethinks skincare. Filabé’s unique microfibre cloths are filled with natural, active ingredients which are activated with water. The cloths are vegan and free from additives, alcohol, and oils. Filabé challenges other cosmetics companies who use outdated technology (cream), that makes your skin dependant on products loaded with additives.

  • Filabé effectively solves skin problems, bringing balance to your skin

  • An all-in-one solution that cleans the skin, transferring active ingredients onto the skin

  • First complete skincare solution with 100% active ingredients and zero additives


Achieving full market potential

  • Filabé was already available Switzerland, but the sales numbers were low in relation to the market potential.


Improve marketing efficiency to scale

Poor efficiency of the media spend (measured by Return on Advertising Spend – ROAS) was also not sustainable and was preventing Filabé from scaling internationally.


Our main target

Achieve sustainable growth of product sales and subscriptions in Switzerland and Germany


How we did it


what. clients say

“what. is the leading growth hacking agency in Zurich. They do more than simply consult. They execute. From the beginning, they believed in us, seeing the potential of our business. It’s thanks to their extensive quality team, and data-driven methods that we’ve made such an impact. We’re growing together through a process of continuous reinvention.”

Markus Lehmann
CEO, Filabe of Switzerland AG