what. becomes the largest Swiss Shopify agency. Learn more.


what. we did for amnis

Having successfully established a local presence in multiple European countries, amnis sought to rapidly and intelligently broaden their product reach across the continent, and establish a robust pipeline of qualified B2B leads.

Our methodology was anchored in lean principles, emphasising rapid testing, learning, and iteration. Our strategy, meanwhile, was comprehensive. It entailed methodical market entry, content localisation, and diverse lead generation tactics. This approach generated thousands of leads, facilitating a seamless alignment between lead generation efforts and sales processes, thereby setting the stage for further scaling.


Who is amnis?

Launched in 2014 in Zurich, Switzerland, amnis seeks to reinvent the way small and medium enterprise (SME) finance managers handle international payments. It offers a flexible and user-friendly solution that matches the speed and security of local transactions. This way, they help companies with international operations reduce transaction costs, efficiently manage team expenses and free up time on daily accounting tasks.

    • Supporting payments in over 20 currencies into 200+ countries

    • More than 2,000 companies already rely on amnis

    • In 2023, the number of active customers grew by around 50 percent and the payment volume processed to two billion Swiss francs

Systemic lead generation

  • Developing a lead generation framework that is both adaptable and scalable to navigate the diverse European markets

Deeper content localisation

  • Ensuring content resonated on a deeper level with local markets, while adhering to their specific compliance requirements 


Our main target

To roll out their products across the approved EU markets and cultivate a sustainable pipeline of qualified leads


How we did it


what. clients say

“We value the partnership with what., particularly their lean approach to experimentation, which allows us to test and learn fast. We improve our strategy due to the insights and discussions. We would have never been able to do that on our own with such discipline, granularity, and depth.”

Michael Wuest
CEO at amnis